Thursday, July 31, 2014

A letter to August

Dear August, 

Your first day stroke me with a bad dream. 
A cyclic dream that symbolizes of my sleepless nights. 
It's already 3:00 am and still can't fall asleep. 
You left me with nothing to count, as you took all my sheep.
Before you came, I talk alot to July and said that I've always wanted to skip you and runaway.
But since June, genie went on a holiday.

What to do, what can I do when I know you're already here. 
Please don't get mad when I say that you're the month that breaks my heart into pieces. 
Whenever I ask you to let the two people dear to me give me warm hugs and kisses. 

What to say, what can I say when I know you will strike my eyes with your arrows.
Tears fall and crawl as I feel my sorrows.
Though you're obviously mean to me --still,you let me lick an ice cream to give me a hyped.
Then make my brain freeze for 20 seconds and let me somehow forget a bad dream.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dare to go Bare

Beauty isn't make up, yet it gives us confidence to feel pretty. So I wonder how about those girls who are not wearing make up, do they feel confident everytime they went out to public? 

People will stare and will notice your flaws ---a moment that will make feel anxious.
Acceptance and trying to be appealing to the mistaken preference of others is now the common reason why some women wear cosmetics. 

But we got it all wrong, acceptance of real beauty start on ourselves, you have to feel all secure with your own body. 

There's nothing wrong of putting your make up on because you have the prerogative to do so but what I'm saying with or without cosmetics "you are beautiful" and once you find it out, people will accept even you walk out to your door "Bare".


#DareToGoBare #NoMakeupSelfie #Beautiful

Meeting my good friends

Cooking isn't just something that we do in order to eat. It can be a great way of showing your love to the people.